Monday 13 February 2012

Last two ideas that feed directly off of last semesters installation

Two monitors showing the same species in two different environments; Captive and wild
the contrast between the 2 film styles; the high definition of the BBC and the handheld are important to highlighting the differences of the quality of life the animal has. The handheld 'true to life' appears to suggest that the leopard in this environment has a poor quality to life. However, despite displaying distress signs of pacing, the zoo provides a safe environment free from poachers and with a breeding program to ensure the continuity of the species.
The HD imagery from the BBC shows the opposite, a habitat most natural to the leopard, but what it doesn't show, is the distress the animal goes under as a species getting hunted for their pelt etc.  Showing them next to each other like this highlights their difference but perhaps the majority of the audience will show the zoo habitat as the crueler of the two habitats.
footage of videos:
Pacing Amur Leopard in zoo enviroment
Wild Amur leopard:

An extinct animal to be shown with or without name:
 This is film footage of an animal called a Thylacine;
a wolf like marsupial, Thylacinus cynocephalus,  of Tasmania, tan-colored with black stripes across the back:( It was hunted to extinction as it used to 'steal' livestock and was a nuisance to farmers. The was the last thylacine in captivity, it died in 1939. It being shown in black and white creates the same 'sadness' as an old photograph of a lost relative. I thought about having a plaque next to it wit its name and maybe some information, but i think it exists better on its own, making the viewer look and question what it is they are seeing. Personnally i think this works better than the leopard video/s as i feel it can make the connection with the audience far more successfully. I need to consider the type of monitor that is used to display the footage. As a flat LCD screen will perhaps ditract from the emotion i need this film to access, sadness. I dont want the suffering of this animal to be glamorised. 
On another note, as part of a contemporary work, i need it to connect to the present day. This may involve editing the footage in some way or at least use the same type of footage and/or filming strategy or edit another set of shots to resemble the 'other worldliness' that this evokes. 
Thylacine footage:

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