Wednesday 21 March 2012

feedback for my proposal

Summary of Session

Potential 3rd piece- a sound piece cause cant get projection to work so just use it as a sound piece. Played throughout the gallery.

With original idea - Need to alter the distance and the angle of the projector to the ceiling.
Angle projector at 45 degree to coincide with the architecture of the space I want to work in. use the architectural form of the space to work with the video. Put paper to fill the textured ceiling. Screening becomes the ceiling.
Doesn’t make sense why not working.

Sounds like the projector is wrong. Use a HD projector; I didn’t know the uni had HD projectors. Use HDMI input.
Don’t abandon the idea, try it and work out the problems.
Dongle to link USB to HDMI to laptop. A blu ray player is ideal.
Back project into ceiling overcomplicating it?

Possibly put sculptural objects in the room as well as projection on ceiling.
Traditions of ceiling imagery, Sistine chapel for E.G. Religious connotations.
Try filming an area of the ceiling rather than all the ceiling so isn’t box like. Or just use a wide-angle lens. Have projection near the floor and test the angle and height properly.
Need a dark space.

2nd idea, photographs= reflections in animal eyes of their environment. When environment isn’t clear in the image
print big so that was evident. Keep it subtle. People may not know unless told. Maybe have a diagrammatic but this may be too much.
Re-photo their eyes. Make it clearer. Good idea. Difficult but possible. Simple good idea. Space- makes sense to put them near the projection.
Re-photo on a bright day. So get ore definition on the reflection. Another way- print image and provide a way of looking at it differently. Like a telescope looking at the eye. Something set up opposite the eye. Factual not judgmental. Irony, take pictures of beautiful animals in a zoo.

Is the image enough or do need something to add to it? does anything else become part of it
animals outdoor and indoor mirrored in gallery space
does anything else become part of it. Animals kept outside, animals kept inside. Mirrored in gallery space. Something interesting to explore.

Course of Action Agreed
Re-photo animal eyes
Work out the technology on projection
Test out in space with HD projector, can the architecture in a space add to the projection
How can I draw an attention to constructed environment in animal eye

Further reading suggested/ Artists referenced
Jeremy Deller Bat Cave Project

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